
Paula Abdul Tweet-sponds To Ellen DeGeneres American Idol Induction With Divas Promo

Following Fox's announcement last night that Ellen DeGeneres would join American Idol as a fourth judge, Paula Abdul's Twitter account was strangely inactive. Abdul did rely on the networking site to deliver her farewell American Idol bombshell, so wouldn't the supportive-to-a-fault woozette click out a quick "Best Wishes Ellen!" or "All you can do is the best you can do!" before returning to her aerobic dance class? No, but she did find time to tweet a lone, self-promotional message, relieving thousands of Paula-fans from their 24-hour suicide watch.

Three hours after "going to the gym" and quickly after news outlets started reporting the DeGeneres news, Paula took to her computer to tweet a single message: "Check out this commercial for Divas!" A surprisingly shrewd decision to promote her own endeavor in the tailwind of Fox's replacement announcement.

The VH1 Divas video (below) shows Paula visiting a dingy employment agency in search of her next gig. Surprisingly, she maintains coherence throughout the clip, even when referring to herself in the third person and rocking a stroller full of chihuahuas. Ryan Seacrest appears briefly in an especially poignant moment for AI traditionalists. So maybe Paula and Ryan were not even in the room together for his shot, but we can dream.

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