
Kristin Cavallari, Spencer's Stupid Cowboy Hat Among Non-Delights of New Hills Trailer

If MTV means to thrill us with the return of Kristin Cavallari, they've done a bang-up job with their new trailer for the next season of The Hills. Kristin's apparently spent her (marathon) off-season(s) polishing zingers like "Are you single? How single is single?" and "The one guy that you can't get you'll always have a thing for." Ultimately, she has pretty good hair, so I don't feel sorry for the 25 fortune cookies that were originally slated to fill her role. The trailer after the jump.

The magic of these people remains how they're able to harmonize the same groan-y speaking voice from different places at different times; in some books this is called echolocation. Audrina Patridge and Stephanie Pratt always sound like they're channeling each other to form the most sluggish Waitresses cover band ever. But comeback kids like Cavallari and regulars like Patridge pale in comparison to the most animated cast member yet: Spencer Pratt's cowboy hat.

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