
Our Commenters of the Week Win the Role of Catwoman!*

* Actually, our commenters of the week only win a juicy British rumor that they've been cast as Catwoman, but why should the facts of the prize get in the way of your enjoyment? You're Catwoman, live it up! Go paw Shia (as the Riddler) and Jon Gosselin (as Penguin) and say hello for us.

So, who wrote our top comments this week?

Colander on Vanity Fair Reporter Consults Expert to Debunk Inglourious Myth of the Nazi-Bludgeoning Jewcenary: "The Bear Jew is real, though. I saw him in Chelsea once."

Kittenhead on MTV's Super Psycho Sweet 16 Horror Movie Gives Spoiled Birthday Girls the Chainsawing They Deserve: "Will Satan get his Ferrari cake?"

Furious D on Jewish Sesame Street Spin-Off Adds Jake Gyllenhaal and Cedric the Entertainer for Some Reason: "I've seen some of the characters, and Oscar the Mohel will really catch on with kids."

stolidog on Jessica Biel Officially Named Your Computer's Least-Favorite Celebrity: "I guess that means computers have finally achieved self awareness."

And finally, this gem:

Rajan.VS on An Exclusive Glimpse Of Lovely Bones's Heaven: "In the Heaven there is no Day or Night, it is in the intermediate stage.

You feel the season of Spring, With Singing birds, and blooming buds,

no summer or winter and in place of rain the dew drips for the green.

There is no difference between rich and Poor,There will be no Leaders or

Politicians, controlling any one. There will be only one Supreme Leader

The God,Encircled with Colorful Rainbows spreading 9 colors not 7. And you will not having any feeling of Evil nor greed.No difference in sex and no shapes to your body, only soul will exist with feeling and obligations to the Supreme God. No TV for you to enjoy, but you can

watch the human Jokers running here and there for making great themselves in the Earth. Then you can see the foolish discussions and imaginations

about the heaven, which makes you laugh, because you are in the heaven.

along with your God as Guardian. When You laugh loud, You can see the

God smiling at you, and walks few steps, and vanish away with the Nine colors and there will be only Seven when he is not there. This will be time, and this will be the clock hand to know the time, is there is God or Not. If you want more information on the imagination of Heaven I will give you. write to me."

Is he describing Heaven or our Avatar Day card? Ah well, no matter. Congratulations to our winners!