
Jennifer Anniston [Sic] Among Stars Cited in Girls Gone Wild Case

Likely without their knowledge and almost certainly without their approval, Jennifer Aniston, Vince Vaughn, Hugh Hefner and other celebs are among those featured in the defense of Girls Gone Wild creator and alleged tax-evader Joe Francis. How not to exploit stars in court, after the jump.

In preparation for the soft-core porntrepreneur's tax-evasion trail this October, Francis's legal team built a collection of PowerPoint slides vaguely outlining his operation. Among those slides: Celebrity guests (Aniston, Vaughn, Orlando Bloom, Kim Kardashian) at the Mexican estate Francis subsequently attempted to write off as a business expense.

But the slides likening Francis to Hefner are particularly shrewd; if they've both got a bus, and they've both got a Web site, then it must follow that legitimacy is right around the corner.

Actually, never mind. This looks like a recipe for prison time. Still, I can't wait to see what miracles these lawyers can work with the Delgo case.

ยท Jennifer Aniston For the Defense? [The Smoking Gun]