
Our Commenters of the Week Win 20 Minutes In a Na'vi Tanning Bed!

Avatar! It's all anyone can think about this week (for good or ill), and thus there was no question that our five best comments should merit their writers a spin in the Na'vi tanning beds. Just be careful when you wake up blue: Geeks may find you utterly irresistible.

So who are our winners?

metroville on Video: Family Guy's Stewie Assaults The Office-Favoring Brian: "Huh. A pop culture reference. Family Guy should do more of that."

SunnyDaze on Paula Abdul Still Not Returning to Idol, You Savages: "Abdul can now save money by firing the staff paid to remind her she was on American Idol."

Chicago Sometimes on So Who Do Terminator's Bankrupt Producers Owe Money To, Anyway?: "I assume Halcyon's co-CFOs, Max Bialystock and Leo Bloom, were unavailable for comment."

Victor Ward on Britney Spears Launches 2012 Presidential Bid with Letterman Top Ten: "Just put Britney on that 'Hope' poster and take out the 'p.'"

stolidog on Melrose Place Remake Has Cured AIDS, Claims Executive Producer: "Post-AIDS, Pre-28 Days Later, hopefully."

Congratulations to our winners!