
In the Battle Between Entourage and Family Guy, There are No Winners

· As threatened, Family Guy has released its latest Emmy video (after the jump), this one bashing competitor Entourage. And yes, it reuses almost all the already-reused footage and dialogue of its predecessor, as well as recycling "jokes" that are just statements people have made at one point or another. "It's just Sex and the City with men!" Yes, well. More to come for each nominee; of all the years to expand the Best Comedy nominations to seven...

· Andy Samberg is doing a solid for old friend Chester Tam (who's appeared in many of Samberg's Lonely Island sketches): he's attached himself alongside Christopher Mintz-Plasse and Josh Peck to star in Tam's directorial debut, San Bernadino Bound.

· Lisa Minnelli and Jane Fonda may have been willing to make speakerphone cameos for Kathy Griffin's My Life on the D-List, but the suddenly shy Justin Timberlake demurred.

· Sony has announced that the now somewhat ghoulishly named This Is It (the film cobbled together from rehearsal footage for Michael Jackson's European concerts) will be released exclusively in theaters October 28 for a two-week engagement.

· Scandalized by Miley Cyrus's stripper pole moves at the Teen Choice Awards? Billy Ray Cyrus wasn't. "You know what? I just think that Miley loves entertaining people," he told Access Hollywood. Save it for Billy Bush, pal.