
The 7 Eeriest Parallels Between Avatar and Delgo

For better or worse, I consider myself something of a Delgo connoisseur -- a fascinated observer and loyal fan of perhaps the most misconceived animated film and biggest box-office debacle in the history of movies. But maybe Delgo's creators were on to something when they undertook their story of two races battling it out for the soul of a planet, with some wicked fantasy adventure and a tender love story tossed in for good measure. After all, James Cameron seems to have been influenced by some oddly similar visuals and themes you'll find threaded throughout his new trailer for Avatar.

Or was he? Can two films on opposite ends of the Hollywood spectrum actually be kindred spirits of creativity -- and/or too close for comfort? See some of the uncanniest parallels after the jump, and judge for yourself.

· First of all, both films have heroic male leads who sprint through woodsy shadows in foreign lands:

· Both films feature tough but emotional female leads:

· Both films feature those female leads (among others) flying on the backs of winged reptilian beasts:

· Both films feature aircraft zooming through fields of massive floating rocks:

· Both films feature big, scary, fanged monsters of various types threatening their heroes:

· Both films feature alien warriors uncorking their fiercest battle cries:

· And both films feature all of the above as individual hurdles in the undying quest for love.

Oh, and both films harbored ambition and vision that required the better part of a decade to produce. Coincidence?

· Delgo Trailer [Apple]

· Avatar Trailer [Apple]