
Melrose Place Remake Has Cured AIDS, Claims Executive Producer

It's still a few more weeks before the rebooted Melrose Place premieres, but at least we know its creators can deliver a potent cocktail of "They said what?" shock value. In fact, they've already gotten started themselves, if some of executive producer Todd Slavkin's statements to E! are any indication.

When asked about the show's bedhopping characters (including Ella, of whom Slavkin claims "We should kind of call her a bisexual...but that's not to say that's her identity"), the producer said, "We feel that there is a current sexual revolution going on. Kind of post-AIDS--where the boundaries are off. Their parents have been shackled, and they want to explore." We're post-AIDS now? That is a twist!

Also, Daphne Zuniga's Jo will be returning to the apartment complex after "pursuing her dream of being a war photographer." I'm picturing something like The Hurt Locker, but with no condoms.

ยท Melrose Place: A Post-AIDS Sexual Revolution [E!]