
Robert Redford to Shoot John Wilkes Booth in Conspirator

· Robert Redford is taking up Hollywood's Abe Lincoln-movie slack -- sort of. He's actually just agreed to direct The Conspirator, a biopic of Mary Surratt, the woman convicted of aiding John Wilkes Booth in assassinating the 16th president. Casting will follow, with James McAvoy being considered for a "lead role." I know, I know, but give him a chance! Maybe he'd make a great Surratt. [THR]

Extra McAvoy news, Josh Lucas hears ghosts, and more Hollywood Ink after the jump.

· McAvoy is also the latest actor to climb aboard an adaptation of Will Reiser's memoir I'm With Cancer, about the screenwriter's battle with the illness in his mid-20s. Nicole Holofcener will direct; Seth Rogen had previously enlisted in both acting and producing capacities. Not surprisingly, the title is expected to change. Suggestions welcome below. [Variety]

· Josh Lucas and Terrence Howard have signed on for the "indie thriller" (read: B-movie) Little Murder, featuring Lucas as a disgraced detective in post-Katrina New Orleans attempting to solve the case of a murdered cellist. And you know he will, because the dead woman's ghost is whispering clues from beyond the grave. You know -- kind of like The Soloist meets The Lovely Bones meets Streets of Blood. What could go wrong? [Variety]

· Michael Douglas's Further Films shingle plans an adaptation of Shirley Jackson's suspense novel We Have Always Lived in the Castle, about a family of recluses with a suspected taste for murder. Except that in the cutting-edge updating, they're accused of selling meth out of a swanky Manhattan hotel. [THR]

· Anthony Mackie has joined Matt Damon and Emily Blunt among the cast of the Philip K. Dick adaptation The Adjustment Bureau, which begins shooting next month in New York. [Variety]