
Will ABC Ask Paula Abdul to Go Dancing?

· At the TCA Press Tour's big wind-down on Saturday, ABC entertainment boss Stephen McPherson eagerly tossed the network into the mix of Paula Abdul's post-Idol suitors. "We would love to have her on [Dancing With the Stars] whether it's as a contestant, or a participant, judge, etc.," McPherson told the assembled critics, adding his shock that Fox would let go of such a talent. A nervous Carrie Ann Inaba is no doubt looking both ways before she crosses the street this morning -- possibly en route to the pharmacy, where she'll inquire into Paula's secret behind her ABC-coveted levels of "sensitivity and emotion." [The Live Feed]

The Hurt Locker brain trust regroups at Paramount, Tara Reid stays late at the local bar, and more Hollywood ink after the jump.

· Paramount has reconnected Hurt Locker director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal for its thriller Triple Frontier. The log line is reportedly a secret, though the film will be set in the shared-border zone (and organized-crime hotbed) between Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil. Expect a gun to to be fired and maybe a bomb to explode somewhere in there as well. [Variety]

· Tara Reid will join Travis Van Winkle and Ryan Hansen in the indie comedy Last Call, about two cousins forced to run a family pub. Reid's role wasn't specified, but I'd guess waitress? Or loud, oft-ejected patron with whom one of the cousins falls head-over-heels in love? What are the other options? [THR]

· Also announced at ABC's press tour panel over the weekend: V will premiere sooner than first thought, rolling out Nov. 3 instead of mid-season 2010. [The Live Feed]

· Frank Langella has joined the cast of Wall Street 2 as Lewis Zabel, the mentor of the young broker played by Shia LaBeouf. "The mentor's fate plays a major part in the film's plot," we're told. Hey! Spoiler alert? [Variety]