
Wayne Brady to Host Revived Let's Make a Deal: Zonk?

CBS announced today that Wayne Brady will host a new revival of Let's Make a Deal. The hour-long game show will replace Guiding Light, the latest scripted program to be taken to the TV shed in favor of cheaper fare. The network's decision to appoint Wayne Brady as the newest of a string of Let's Make a Deal faces (most popularly Monty Hall and most recently Billy Bush) seems as though CBS was trying its own hand at the game: They chose the Don't Forget the Lyrics alum and opted out of seeing who was behind the hidden door, fearing it might be someone edgy like Rosie O'Donnell.

CBS's new investment was represented at the network's press event today, where Wayne Brady, Executive Producer Mike Richards and Creative Consultant Monty Hall held court. The panel screeched to an awkward stop when a journalist posed a question tweeted to him by a reader: "Will Wayne Brady have to choke a bitch on the new show?" After several awkward moments of silence, Wayne Brady attempted to explain to a befuddled Monty Hall that the question was a reference to a bit he did on Chappelle's Show.

Once Monty Hall recovered from the vulgarity of the critic's question, he hijacked the panel to remember the wackiest costumes on his show and reminisce about the time a baby elephant ran out of his studio. Monty offered one critic a hundred dollars if he could produce a hard-boiled egg before joking that he would maintain control of the show by carrying a whip backstage. Wayne Brady responded, "Don't say 'whip' when a brother's sitting next to you."

The critics watched clips from the pilot in which Wayne gifts an Alaskan cruise, barters with costumed contestants and only breaks into song once. The new Let's Make a Deal will be produced by FremantleMedia North America, the same company behind The Price is Right. First Drew Carey landed the Price is Right and now Wayne Brady gets Let's Make a Deal. What mainstream comic with improv abilities-classic gameshow mash-up is next? Diedrich Bader hosting the Match Game?