
Producer Reveals Ugly Truth Behind Katherine Heigl's 17-Hour Work Day

You and I will never know exactly how fraught a relationship Katherine Heigl has with her masters at Grey's Anatomy, whom she very publicly chided last week for a 17-hour work day upon her return to the set. But while they claw at each other behind the scenes, another trusted TV insider offers a bit of scathing expert testimony that won't do the diva any favors.

Embattled Grey's creator Shonda Rhimes has a friend in Ken Levine, the Emmy-winning M*A*S*H/Cheers/Frasier writer who got wind from a birdie or an A.D. or another blabby source that Heigl's grueling day was actually just the product of re-scheduling required to accommodate her Ugly Truth promotional rounds. Except he didn't really say it so... nice like that. But at least it's educational:

Imagine you're a showrunner. You get that call from the agent. She gets on the phone and is all sweet and friendly. You know she wants a favor. When she gets on the phone and is curt and bitchy it's to complain about something on her client's behalf. So this is the bubbly persona today. Sure enough, can she ask a big favor? Her client has an audition/chance to do a movie/been asked to co-host the Rose Parade/been invited on Elton John's yacht/wants to do a play in Florida/has tickets for Springfield in Finland/been offered a commercial in Japan/needs to go on QVC to sell her doll collection/been offered a seat on the upcoming space shuttle/has been drafted by the Astros.

If you say "no" your actor sulks and becomes a huge pain in the ass. If you say "yes" you inconvenience two hundred people who are already hopelessly overworked and behind schedule anyway. [...]

Katherine Heigl did not embarrass the producers of GREY'S ANATOMY. She embarrassed herself. She once again exposed herself on national television to be a self-centered prima donna. And I hope another actor on GREY'S ANATOMY needs a few days off and Katherine has to work a 19-hour day. Not that she would.

And if her vibrating panties demand a few days off? Just forget about it.

ยท Why I hate Katherine Heigl... again [Ken Levine via The Big Picture]