
Go Behind the Scenes of Smurfs 3-D!

Almost a year and a half ago, what sounded like an elaborate hoax stormed the Web, readying filmgoers for the CGI renaissance of everyone's favorite three-apple-high mushroom dwellers, the Smurfs. Then Sony announced its pick-up of the live-action/animated Smurf project, flinging us further down the rumor-rabbit hole and teasing your stoner neighbor who desperately sought a plan, a release date, anything. Today, he gets his wish -- and we get a new, exclusive glimpse at the masterpiece in progress!

Sony is indeed going along with its Smurfs movie plans, upping its concept to a holiday season 3-D exercise that will put Papa Smurf, Smurfette, and the entire blue village on screens by Dec. 17, 2010. A flesh-and-blood Gargamel is coming, along with his smurfivore cat Azrael and, I presume, the theme you now won't be able to shake for the rest of the day. Apologies.

But not too many apologies. Movieline had the privilege of going behind the scenes for a look at how production is coming along, and as this brand-new photo suggests, Smurfs 3-D may yet have all of Hollywood saying "Avatar-schmavatar":

Or something. Just as long as Ghetto Smurf doesn't show up with a gold tooth asking Smurfette to read something for him, this seems like a can't-miss for everyone.

ยท The Smurfs Will be Coming at You in 3D []