
Stephen Dorff Tells Movieline Sofia Coppola's Somewhere is 'Going To Be Really Special'

Our Public Enemies premiere coverage continues with this short interview with Stephen Dorff, who's currently shooting Somewhere -- a Sofia Coppola film that also boasts a Fanning, a Jackass and a Wolf Man among its eclectic cast. Dorff is clearly invigorated by the plum role, described by Variety as "an aging bad boy actor who comes face-to-face with his 11-year-old daughter."

He confirmed for Movieline that the film is set largely in the Chateau Marmont, adding that additional sequences are set in Italy and that the film is "going to be really special." Beyond that, Dorff adhered to Coppola's wishes that details remain under wraps -- so unfortunately we can't be the first to report on the climactic scene in which Chris Pontius dives in slo-mo out a fifth-floor window into the Chateau swimming pool, set to The Psychedelic Furs' "Highwire Days."

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