
Keeping Up With the Johnsons, Forcibly

· It's Big Brother meets your whole damn block, as CBS has walled-off a community for their groundbreaking reality show "social experiment." (You know, I think someone actually got to this one already. It was called The Warsaw Ghetto, and it didn't end well.) Anyway, we couldn't be more thrilled that CBS is letting the contestants under 24-hour surveillance roam around a bit more, and not be confined to a single kitchen island and backyard kiddie pool for their endless conversations about which family is going to become Head of Neighborhood.

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· The first reviews of Brüno are in! BBC's Jonathan Ross tweeted: "Was very funny. Not as funny as Borat, but funny." The Sun, meanwhile, says, "When I wasn't giggling like a 14-year-old, I was cowering behind my hands." [via /Film ]

· Get to know Chris Evans' openly gay brother, One Life to Live star Scott Evans. Great news: There exists no Cain/Abel dynamics between the two. Says Scott: "No, no rivalry at all. The only rivalry we ever have is when we play sports or wrestle." Yes, wrestling. Now don't start spreading bratty rumors, Obama administration!

· You know, we never put together the unmistakable physical similarities between Michael Stipe and Bat Boy until we saw this Photoshopped Weekly World News cover. [via Trixie Treats]

· Sad news: Mia Farrow's brother was found dead in his Vermont art gallery, and the police label his death "suspicious."

· Catching up with Chaz Bono.

· has a feeling Kris Allen is about to get the shaft from 19 Recordings.