
The Last Word: All YouTube Edition

A special treat for the end of the week: Just YouTube videos, all shapes and sizes, after the jump!

We don't know where Kate Gosselin gets her reputation as an unfeeling child slave-driver. Just watching her dote over her famous "8" by ignoring their pleas for water as she sucks down a delicious, hydrating bottle of Dasani in front of them should earn her some kind of Mother of the Year award. In Hell.

Richard Simmons, in quite possibly the greatest sizzle reel ever.

Watch as these satisfied customers testify to their own dignity-preservation, keeping human fecal matter at arm's length with the miracle Comfort Wipe. (That said, the obese man does a poor job of communicating the advantages of being a "big guy." Maybe it's that you poop bigger, therefore get more value out of your Comfort Wipe investment?)

Take a stroll down memory lane, as Kathie Lee Gifford guides you through her beautiful home acting like a complete idiot, then gets a pleasant surprise when Frank "The Human Love Machine" Gifford emerges from the Comfort Wipe room to take her from behind. Lovely. (Kudos to Kristin Wiig, though, for nailing her one-eyed yuk-yuk face.)

Wow. The closing credits to The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension were pretty damn bitchin'. It's like a Christian Dior Homme ad campaign. [via NY Post]