
Camelot Revisited

The conservative media continues to slam President Obama for taking his lady out for dinner and a show, but the general fascination with the life of our new Chief Executive continues unabated. NBC News takes us inside the daily routine of the Prez tonight and exposes - shockingly - that he's just this normal guy with a family and a steady though demanding gig.

Inside the Obama White House: Brian Williams Reports [9 PM, NBC]

Brian Williams shows us what happens in the daily life of our president in the first of a two-part behind-the-scenes special. As we learned in Media Theory 101, the presence of a camera changes everything, so Obama should be as "on" as he always appears to be. Will Brian Williams throw out a few of his caustic gibes (usually levied at Conan O'Brien)? Now that he's on Obama's turf, we imagine he'll be well-behaved.

Man vs. Wild with Bear Grylls [10 PM, Discovery]

In tonight's special episode, Bear Grylls teaches Land of the Lost's Will Ferrell survival skills as they brave freezing temperatures during 48 hours exploring the mountains and glaciers of Sweden. While this seems like a pretty extreme way to plug a summer flick, let's hope this leads to more celebs getting out and roughing it with various cracked-out cable personalities. Gerard Butler promoting The Ugly Truth by training an aggressive pitbull with Cesar Millan? Philip Seymour Hoffman pimping The Boat That Rocked by making a cake that looks like a boat on Ace of Cakes?

Little Couple [10 PM, TLC]

As Brian Williams proves that our President is normal, TLC will be doing the same thing with a couple who is "under four feet tall." Bill and Jen met at a Starbucks and argue about driving, but they're not the same size as most people! Craziness! In the first half hour, Bill spends time at the gym while Jen hits the spa with some friends. In the second, Bill and Jen travel to Galveston, Texas. Hey, people of average height sometimes go to Galveston! The Learning Channel, indeed.

Ghostbusters & Ghostbusters II [8 & 10:30 PM, AMC]

With all the excitement about the potential sequel and the new video game, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that Dan Aykroyd and Ernie Hudson should start shopping for some new red carpet suits. The original story of four NYC ghost hunters (Aykroyd, Hudson, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis) battling cosmic forces and Rick Moranis reflects AMC's modern classics kick, but the sequel, well, at least they got the whole cast back. As Ray quoted in GII, "Death is but a door. Time is but a window. I'll be back."