
90210 Promo Pastes New Actor's Head Onto Fired Actor's Body

When we interviewed 90210's Matt Lanter for The Verge, he assured us that though he was being brought on to the show at the same time lead actor Dustin Milligan was fired, "By any means, I don't really think that I've taken Dustin's place...We're two completely different characters." Apparently, no one told the CW promo shop, as you'll see by the evidence below.

The crack sleuths at ONTD took one look at the brand-new Season 2 promotional image and where the normal observer would merely see bad Photoshopping, they saw a cruel joke. As the Season 1 promo shot of Milligan (right) makes clear, Lanter (in the center of the above image) literally did take the fired actor's place, since his head was Photoshopped onto a palette-swap of Milligan's body. Ouch? We're just impressed by the CW's blithe lack of tact and foresight; no doubt they would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for you meddling nerds.

ยท 90210 season 2 promo poster [ONTD]