
Julie & Julia Trailer Suggests Meryl Streep/Amy Adams Reunion-Lite

The last we saw of Meryl Streep and Amy Adams, they were soberly chasing Oscar in a pair of nun's habits. Their reunion in Julie & Julia promises a lighter lilt in their summertime pursuit of female moviegoers, while the new trailer hints at a bit of narrative gimmickry you might know from yet another Streep effort from not long ago.

Think of Julie & Julia as sort of The Hours with an appetite and better humor: Aimless, rootless Julia Child (Streep) winds up in France in the 1950s, attempting to determine her future while Stanley Tucci -- apparently backdating his Devil Wears Prada role -- looks on in support. Her solution: Culinary school, a masculine redoubt of staid tradition and even more conventional cuisine. You'll never guess what happens next.

No, really. Jump ahead half a century to contemporary New York City where pixie-coiffed Amy Adams battles career inertia and a world where seemingly anyone with a half-decent blog lands a book deal. Hey -- now that's an idea! Just as Adams's neuroses relax in the kitchen, so her spirit soars at the prospect of preparing (and documenting) the entirety of Julia Child's famous cookbook.

Writer/director Nora Ephron intercuts the women's challenges, neither of which end with suicide, illness, Catholic guilt or any of the other woes that befell the actresses' erstwhile analogues. So that's good. But it does result in a Nora Ephron film, so who knows what all the hijinks mean in the long run? Let it suffice to say you can take your Mom, unless you're a guy, in which case you should probably just tell your Mom.

VERDICT: Ladies' night out.

[via Moviefone]
