
Buzz Break: Meet Your New Nancy

· Rooney Mara has been cast as Nancy in the Jackie Earle Haley-toplined redo of A Nightmare on Elm Street. Today is just a Mara casting bonanza!

· In other remake casting news, James Marsden will don Dustin Hoffman's broken spectacles for Rod Lurie's Peckinpah reimagining Straw Dogs, making him the the most dashing, cheekboney wimp the film world has ever seen. Or maybe not, as Lurie has transformed the lead character from a passive professor into a successful Hollywood screenwriter. Seems a little bit on the nose, Y/N?

· Donald Trump is proud of you, Miss California. Proud of all the press your bigoted, ineloquent heart has given his pageant.

· Call off the cryptograph-sniffing hounds. That special, code-filled issue of Wired that was guest-edited by J.J. Abrams has been cracked.

· Lindsay Lohan dropped by Ellen to promote her latest project, Breaking Up With Samantha Ronson. Now that she's single again, Lohan plans to spend her spare time becoming insurable again working on her career.