AGE: 24
HOME TOWN: Winchester, Kentucky
SEE HIM NOW: As Jack, the "guy we all wanted to be in high school," on the WB's critically acclaimed freshman drama Jack & Bobby, which profiles the adolescence of two brothers, one of whom will become president of the United States in 2040.
CAUGHT ON THE FLY: "On set I had an extra tell me that my fly was down. You know, I was acting cool, but all coolness stops right there."
BIG BROTHER: "I am really impressed with my manager's faith in me. I did a screen test for a soap opera and ended up getting it. He said no even though he wasn't getting a cent because he knew that there were better things in store for me."
ACTING VICARIOUSLY: Long claims that his character is much more popular and athletic than he was in high school. "I was terrible at sports. I quit baseball my sophomore year and that was just with the community leagues!"
FUTURE ASPIRATIONS: "Eventually, I'd love to do roles that aren't me, like be terribly mean to people or play some sort of scuzzbag!"
Brenna Egan