
Roger Mitchell: King of the Hill

He had only one film on his resume, but somehow Roger Michell landed the job of directing one of the world's biggest movie stars opposite Hugh Grant in a sweet little love story that isn't so little anymore. Here's how Notting Hill, the first of Julia Roberts's two romantic comedies this summer, came together.


Anything with the name Julia Roberts attached to it attracts attention. So when Roberts decided to star opposite Hugh Grant in Notting Hill, a medium-budget romantic comedy from the witty screenwriter of Four Weddings and a Funeral, Richard Curtis, questions popped up right away. Would it be like Four Weddings? In a way. Would it feature a big-time romance between Grant and Roberts? You bet. Who would direct it? Roger Michell. Who? That's right, a virtual unknown by Hollywood standards.

Born in South Africa and raised in Syria and Czechoslovakia, Michell attended Cambridge University, where he won the Royal Shakespeare Company's Goodbody Award for best student director. He cut his teeth at the Royal Court Theater as assistant director to Samuel Beckett and John Osborne, and from then on he directed theater and more theater, everything from Hamlet at the Royal Shakespeare Company in London to Some Americans Abroad on Broadway. After his award-winning four-part BBC miniseries The Buddha of Suburbia, Michell did, well, more theater. Then he made his feature film debut with the beautifully paced, subtle adaptation of Jane Austen's Persuasion. After that, though, he returned to theater. When Richard Curtis gave him Notting Hill, a simple love story about a travel bookstore owner whose life gets turned upside down when the world's most famous female face walks into his store and then later hits on him, he was drawn away from the stage once again.

MICHAEL FLEMING: Your film Persuasion was very admired, so you must have been getting scripts, but what made you want to do Notting Hill?

ROGER MICHELL: I started getting sent scripts about four years ago with Persuasion. I had no secret yearning to do a romantic comedy. It was the Notting Hill script that tipped me. What I like about it is what I liked about Four Weddings and a Funeral. It's about love, but it has depth that gives it the feeling that you're looking at the whole world turning, not just two characters in a fairy tale. Life is like that.

Q: When you decided to do Notting Hill, Julia Roberts wasn't attached to the project. How did that come about?

A: Richard Curtis, producer Duncan Kenworthy and I were sitting in our office one day talking about who we'd offer the female lead to. Julia Roberts was absolutely the first choice--Richard wrote it with her in mind. But we thought she was going to say no. We offered it to her just the same. And my God, she said yes!

Q: How did you approach her?

A: We got the script to her agent, who made sure she read it. Then we flew to New York to meet with her, and we all got on well. Then she said yes. We were completely thrilled. And more than a little surprised.

Q: Julia and Hugh have great chemistry. How were you sure they would actually spark on-screen?

A: Well, what I didn't do was say to Julia, "We'd like to test you to see if you've got the chemistry with Hugh."

Q: Julia's had a reputation for sometimes being hard to work with. On Conspiracy Theory, Mel Gibson broke the ice by giving her a freeze-dried rat, and she warmed to that spirit by placing cellophane wrap over the toilet in his trailer. How did you get along with her?

A: She was good-spirited all the way through the shoot, though she never did cling-wrap my toilet. We got along quite well and I'd love to work with her again.

Q: In Notting Hill Julia plays the biggest movie star in the world. Was she essentially playing herself?

A: It was very hard for her, because it looks like she's playing herself, but she wasn't. She was playing the part of Anna and she plays it outstandingly well--she's a very clever actress. There are obviously bits of herself that she can use. All actors put bits of themselves into their roles, and she's done a lot of research into this part.

Q: Anna suffers tremendously from being famous. Do you think Julia has suffered as much?

A: She's very sensible and wise about what's happened to her. She knows that in some ways it's the most wonderful thing that could have happened, but that in other ways there are disadvantages. She tries to lead a real life within the confines of her stardom. I was very impressed with her, not just as an actress but with her sense of what was going on around her. I think she's a very cool person. She's extremely witty and funny, too.

Q: Did you ever feel intimidated by working with her?

A: I did. She has an amazing gift from the gods. When she acts, some spirit of spontaneity fills her face, and it's like distilled real life that's happening in front of your eyes. I've never worked with an actor who is so brilliant at being able to burst into life like a flame from a match. But she doesn't like putting out that type of energy over and over--doing a lot of takes--and I can see why. It's like this miracle happens. It happens great three or four times, and then she gets tired.

Q: Was there a specific moment or scene where that shone most brightly?

A: There are a lot of moments, but when she comes back to Hugh and she just breaks down, I did one take of that.

Q: Does Hugh like to do a lot of takes?

A: Yeah. He likes to worry away at it, experiment. With Hugh I'd do five or six takes, and once I'd gotten what I wanted, I'd say, "Do one for you." Then he would ad-lib, put in odd words or new lines. And I've used a lot of them.

Q: Was the project written with Hugh in mind? The dialogue and dry wit seem to fit him like a glove.

A: I don't think necessarily that it was written for Hugh, though we thought he would be the perfect person to play the part. It's a difficult symbiosis, isn't it, between Richard Curtis and Hugh? Richard writes in Hugh's voice, and Hugh plays Richard's material exquisitely, but it's a mistake to think it comes out of effortlessness. Hugh doesn't just go out there and rock out. He works hard to make it work.

Q: Getting back to the film, there's a lot of sly humor in Notting Hill. How did you make those funny moments work?

A: I think that generally, you don't ask actors to act funny in a comedy. You ask them to act real and trust that the comedy will be left intact in the process. My job was to make it seem like it was happening in front of your eyes, in real life, which was difficult, because, let's face it, the odds against a bookstore owner by chance meeting a movie star and then having a relationship with her are astronomical.

Q: There's a scene in the film where old nude pictures of Julia's character surface and get printed in a tabloid. The scandal rocks her, but it's Hugh who could probably relate to the incident best, in view of the scandal a few years ago when he picked up a prostitute on Sunset Boulevard.

A: Well, Hugh had a much worse time with that than Julia's ever had with the press, but he's incredibly sanguine about it, fantastically resilient.

Q: Speaking of the press, I kept reading tabloid snippets about what was happening on your set. Any of them true?

A: It's just extraordinary. I've never done a film with big stars before, so it was very interesting to read--before, during and after the shoot--the complete lies that were printed about the film and the actors in the English newspapers. I mean, they were just mendacious, utterly fraudulent lies. I was shocked. And these stars have to put up with it day after day.

Q: What was the worst thing you read?

A: One reporter wrote that Julia got married [to Law & Order star Benjamin Bratt]. What do you do about it? It's bizarre. The tabloids do nothing about it, they just wait for the next bit of rubbish to print. It fascinates me how people try to sell newspapers by any means.

Q: Didn't they report that Hugh and Julia were lovers?

A: It was worse than that--it was hints of them not getting on, which was completely untrue. They couldn't have gotten along better. They were delightful to each other. And then there were quotations about Hugh's salary for the movie which were just completely wrong.

Q: In a way Persuasion must have been good preparation for Notting Hill because they're both about people wanting desperately to find love.

A: Yes, they're both about people who think they might be on the shelf forever. Early Jane Austen novels were about people falling in love for the first time, and her later novels were about people fearing they would never fall in love. Four Weddings and a Funeral was in some ways like an early Austen novel, about a guy falling in love properly for the first time. Notting Hill is more mature. It's not a wacky comedy about a guy who's just fun to be around all the time. It's about a guy who thinks it's all over for him, that he'll never have a proper relationship. All his friends seem to be pairing off successfully, having children, but he's lonely. There's a streak of sadness in him, which makes him interesting and fun to watch.

Q: Would you do another Jane Austen adaptation?

A: One was enough for me. I thought Persuasion was her best book, the most mature, autobiographical and emotional. Did you know she was dying when she wrote it? Her earlier, so-called funny books depended on that legendary Austen irony. But Persuasion doesn't have that wit, it's more reflective, more autumnal, and so I thought it was the easiest to adapt.

Q: I've heard you're called an actor's director. Is that true?

A: I'm a great respecter of the skills and generosity and enthusiasm of actors. I married an actor; I'm surrounded by it. My children I'm sure will get into acting. What I found really delightful about working with Hugh and Julia was that, after awhile, I felt like I was working with actors--not with prima donnas or movie stars--just actors. They rehearsed and they came to work on time.

Q: Do you think Julia or Hugh would be any good onstage?

A: Hugh used to do theater, but he doesn't want to anymore. Julia actually is interested in theater and is reading things. I think it might be a waste of her, though it might be interesting for her to try.

Q: You mean that onstage Julia couldn't use her greatest power, that expressive face and that 1000-watt smile that works so well in close-up?

A: That's true. But it would test her acting. You learn to use different skills, gifts and muscles.

Q: Having made your first studio film, what is your perception of Hollywood?

A: I'm the wrong person to ask that question because Notting Hill has tested so well. Right now everyone thinks I'm lovely, just peaches and cream. Ask me that question when my next film tests terribly. I've seen it happen to friends and colleagues. I've seen a lot of English directors who've gone to Hollywood and gotten fucked in the head. I don't want to have that happen to me. I've just finished reading this book about Don Simpson. Have you read it?

Q: You mean Charles Fleming's High Concept: Don Simpson and the Hollywood Culture of Excess, which details the substance and sexual addictions that led to his death?

A: Yes, that's the one. I thought it was a terrific tale. I'm not saying everyone in Hollywood is like Don Simpson, I'm just saying that it was an interesting book.

Q: Are you being sent a lot of commercial scripts?

A: I do get sent a lot of stuff, but I'm booked. I'm doing a film called Captain Corelli's Mandolin, which is a love story set on the island of Cephalonia in Greece during the Second World War. It's a bit like Doctor Zhivago, because it's set against a massive backdrop of change. And I've been working on a film with Working Title Films for three years. I'll start prepping that for late summer. I haven't yet cast it, but I don't necessarily want to do it with stars.

Q: If Hollywood offered you your choice of projects and your choice of stars, would you consider moving across the pond?

A: Why should I? Why would you deem that everyone should come to America or Hollywood to be validated? I just made a $45 million movie and got to come home every night. I've got young children I like to be around. I've got quite a good life here. I like to do theater and make documentaries. I'm 42, very old for Hollywood. Plus, the key to my world all along has been to do good work. I'd like to hang on to that impulse.


Michael Fleming interviewed Jennifer Jason Leigh for the April 99 issue of Movieline.