
Virtual Newsstand: Movieline, June 1991

June 1991


Born Again Christian
He's got Nicholson's mystique and Mel Gibson's looks - how can Christian Slater fail? For a while, our reformed bad boy seemed intent on trying every which way.

Disappearing Act
Cathy Moriarty came out of nowhere to score an Oscar nomination for Raging Bull, went on to star with John Belushi in his last film, then vanished. Now back with three new films, the actress talks about how and why she hid out during the '80s.

Laughter in the Dark
After years of watching the nightmare-comic edge get hacked off his scripts by lesser minds, screenwriter Nick Kazan connected with a smart director in Reversal of Fortune. Now the future looks bright.

Against All Odds
Callie Khouri's first screenplay, Thelma & Louise, has become the first film in a long time to portray women as whole human beings.

Rainy Day Woman
Our intrepid reporter made it past Sandra Bernhard's scary front gate to rap about tattoos, broken hearts, Rome misadventures, and the totem poles in the backyard.


Nothing New Under the Sun
Golden Age Hollywood lured the world's best writers to town, for all the wrong reasons. Most found the place unbearable. Some never escaped. Their witty observations about life in the movie colony are surprisingly relevant today.

The Look
Mary Stuart Masterson lightens up.

A Roll to Remember
One of the most refreshing things about the new film Thelma & Louise is the deeply ambiguous nature of its characters. Unlike the people in most movies, they are neither all black nor all white. And Brad Pitt, as the irresistibly charming bad boy J.D. (juvenile delinquent?), is the most checkered of them all.