
Versace "Let Them Wear Sequins"

Partying with Hollywood's new pet designer, Gianni Versace.


Armani's subdued elegance is all very well and good, but this is, after all, Tinseltown. People want to be noticed--and Versace's glittery, bejeweled objets de couture certainly can't hurt. Honoring the Italian designer at a fashion show and dinner were, clockwise from upper right, ubermodel Claudia Schiffer looking like something out of Pirates of the Carribean in her Versace.

Mickey Rourke with motorcycle mama sweetheart Carré Otis; Jane Seymour in her milkmaid Versace; Kelly LeBrock and husband Steven "Don't Hate Me Because My Hands Are Deadly Weapons" Seagal; Marisa Berenson in her Versace harlequin trousers with pal Lesley Ann Warren; Sylvester Stallone and gal-pal Jennifer Flavin in her Ben-Hur breastplate look; and, center, James Caan, who appears to have dressed in the dark.