
Virtual Newsstand: Movieline, February 1990

February 1990


Return of the Misfit
Almost 30 years after The Misfits misfired, playwright Arthur Miller takes a gamble on the movies again with his screenplay for Everybody Wins

The Young and the Restless
Keanu Reeve's excellent adventure in filmland has included stops in some fine movies. He's destined for the big time - so why is the boy so nervous?

Class of the '90s
They're young, cute, and successful actors - and some of them even have futures in film. For the rest, there are other fates in store . . .

War Parties
On the Hollywood front: premieres for Glory and The War of the Roses


Jack Armstrong in the Age of Irony
A Jack Armstrong for the Age of Irony, Kyle MacLachlan is the boy-next-door with nice eyebrows who turns out to be good at Shakespeare and animal imitations.

Triumph of the Willem
"I think there are people in Hollywood who imagine I want to be a cult star of a serious artist"

Faux Bohemia
Come with us now to Cafe Largo, where the nouveau hipsters of Hollywood gather to read their poetry. It's a way of life.

All That Jasmine
Jasmine Guy talks about her leap from lean Broadway days to hot Harlem Nights. Could Dreamgirls be next?